Thursday, April 9, 2009

A real I.V.?

Got my first experience driving the M1151A1 today. It was surprisingly fairly similar to driving a car. We drove around the base on paved roads, so I didn't have to worry about adjusting the gears for different terrains. I got to drive a total of about 10 minutes. I had alot of fun though. Now that I feel pretty comfortable with driving it, I can't wait to hit the off-road portion tomorrow. To spice things up a bit they are calling for storms tomorrow which should be intresting to see how it affects things.

Next topic today is Combat Rescue Training. We have some kind of preparatory brief tonight for this training. I'm not sure if were actually doing this tonight or in the next CRT class, but apparently I will be sticking people with IV's and they will be sticking me. Not sure If I'm too keen on sticking other people with a needle and I'm even more concerned with people who are not medical professionals sticking me with needles.

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