Yesterday and today's training was pretty fun. Yesterday we were at the shooting range learning the style of shooting we are expected to use while performing VIP security details should we come under attack. Once they taught us correct methods using both the M9 and M16, the day culminated with what the call they transition drill. Basically we are moving around as if we are walking with a VIP and then all of a sudden we come under attack. We have to move the VIP out of harms way while at the same time engaging our target. What they throw into the mix is your weapon is filled with random amounts of ammunition so you have to transfer from one weapon to the other when one runs out of ammo. This happens a total of 14 times. It sucks. Meanwhile the instructors are yelling at you throwing rocks at you pulling and tugging at you etc to raise your stress level. All while running the VIP to cover. It was pretty intense. I was beat at the end of the day.
Today we trained on operating in a motorcade while transporting a VIP, which was also fun. We got to push the Humvees to their limits. Executing various high speed turns and learning how to "read your vehicle" and different types of braking techniques like threshold braking. Surprisingly I got a few compliments on my driving. In the beginning of the day I was mowing down cones and by the end everyone wanted to ride with me. We have one more day of training I believe and then our final day which will combine all of the training we've had this week in a real time scenario. Can't wait!
Ive done the Transition Drill stuff the arcade. Its pretty fun.