Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I do. Haven't been keeping up on the blog. For a bunch of reasons I guess. None of which are because I'm too busy, so really no excuse. Things have remained pretty much the same since I last checked in. Just grinding these last couple months out. We did get some slightly bad news today. The guys/gals that are relieving us were supposed to be here on the 5th. They're not coming until the 12th now. Apparently something to do with ice storms in the states. I have been told that this will not affect our departure date. Just the amount of time we have to train the new guys. I hope this is true because I made reservation to go to Rehoboth Beach on Mar 12/13th to visit the Dogfish Head brewery. They are unveiling a new beer that weekend.

One of the reasons I haven't blogged as much is because I can never think of anything to write about that I think people would be interested in reading. So I spend some of my downtime trying to come up with ideas, and I came up with this one awhile ago, and wanted to wait a little closer to the end to do it. Here goes:


Total days in Kuwait: 270

Rolls of toilet paper used: 4
Tubes of toothpaste: 3 (brushed twice a day)
Tubes of toothpaste received in care packages: 78
Toothbrushes: 2
Bottles of Shower Gel: 4 (Once a day)
Bottles of Shampoo: 4 (Once a day)
Loofah: 2
Bars of deodorant: 2 (Once a day)
Laundry Detergent: 4 (Once a week, 2 loads)(50oz containers)

Fast Food:
Taco Bell: 4x
Burger King: 4x
Great Steak: 3x (Their cheesesteaks are the worst, but their burgers are pretty good)
Subway: 3x
Pizza Inn: 7x

All of those places are not good tasting and I visited these simply for a change from the DFAC. The DFAC serves the same food every Monday, every Tuesday, etc..

Work Related:

5k's worked: 44
5K's ran: 1
Calls for suspicious packages: 12
Actual suspicious packages: 2
Times I fired a weapon: 0
Times I drove a Humvee: 0
Celebrities met: 4.5
Men supervised: 13
Amount that are younger than me: 1
# of days I checked Facebook: 270

Thats all I can think of for now. If there is one you'd like to know, let me know. I will cover the weather in the next one.

Go Flyers!


  1. Hey Paul,
    Cool & interesting Stats!! You've done a great job keeping in touch with the Fam and helping to educate us in more ways than one. Take Care, Stay Healthy & Look forward to seeing ya soon!!!
    Lots of Love,
    Aunt Dor

  2. Dear Woody:

    My name is Patrick Thomas, and I am a doctoral student in the Department of English at Kent State University. As part of my dissertation research, I am conducting email interviews of military bloggers about their blogging practices—how and why they blog, and their perceptions of their blogs’ audiences.

    I am contacting you because your blog is featured on several blogroll lists within the milblog online community, milblogging.com. While I am not affiliated with the military, my research aims to extend the work of milbloggers by looking at how military blogs function as alternative news sources about the War on Terror. Particularly, I am interested in what military blogs add to a growing body of research on the importance of social media (like blogs) in people’s everyday lives. To date, there is no academic research that examines the role of blogging in soldiers’ lives. I write to ask for your participation in this research through the completion of an email interview. I also write to ask your permission to access your blog for the purpose of analyzing its content and features.

    I would greatly appreciate it if you would be willing to participate by answering some questions for me via email. If you are willing to participate, all of your identifying information will be kept anonymous. Should you have any questions or if you prefer me to contact you off your blog, please email me at pthomas4 [at] kent [dot] edu.

    Thank you in advance for your consideration of this project.

    Patrick Thomas
